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Regulating Cyber Surveillance: New Public/Private Partnership?


Shamgar Center
CyberWeek 2023

Given the global nature of the digital environment, offensive cyber tools affect digital security and safety globally. Recent developments have led governments to further tighten their regulation. So called "dual-use regulation" has evolved to factor in human rights considerations in the export control of cyber surveillance items and restrictions were set to the use of commercial spyware. Like all regulation, to become effective such efforts may require complementing steps by private actors.
What are the respective roles of companies and governments in addressing these challenges? Is the government capable of regulating these advanced industries in any meaningful way? What measures could be undertaken by offensive cyber companies to mitigate human rights risks? Perhaps some leeway is expected from industry giants in establishing standards and promoting compliance? Can self-regulation complement governmental efforts to make it more effective?
Adv. Amit Ashkenazi, Shamgar Center Research Fellow, former Head of the Legal Department of the Israel National Cyber Directorate
Dr. Ronen Bergman, New York Times Bestseller Author, staff writer for the New York Times and the Senior Correspondent for Military and Intelligence Affairs for Yedioth Ahronoth
Dr. Natalie Davidson, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Tel-Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law
Kevin Reifsteck, Director for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Global Cybersecurity Policy, Microsoft (U.S)
Adv. Eyal Roy Sage, Partner, Head of Law & Tech, AYR – Amar Reiter Jeanne Shochatovitch & Co.
Dr. Roy Schöndorf, Former Deputy Attorney-General for International Law


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